
How to report on your marketing spend using Dreamdata

In this video, Camilla Ostergaard, takes you through how to effectively report on your marketing spend using Dreamdata. Whether you're managing a standalone company or a multi-subsidiary business, these steps will help you streamline the process.

Supplementary Guide

Why Report on Marketing Spend?

Understanding and reporting your marketing spend is crucial for demonstrating alignment with business objectives and ensuring budget efficiency. This task, while essential, can be time-consuming and complex, especially when dealing with multiple business units and marketing channels.

Step 1: Integrate your ad platforms with Dreamdata

As a standalone business:

  1. Go to Data platform > Sources

  2. Connect your digital ad platforms to Dreamdata.

  3. Access Dreamdata's ROI report (Performance > ROI) to start seeing your digital spend data

As a multi-subsidiary business:

  1. Have each subsidiary connects their ad platforms to their Dreamdata instance (Data platform > Sources)

  2. Utilize your data warehouse to query and report on digital ad spend across the organization.

Step 2: Uploading offline event and other costs

With Dreamdata you can also incorporate your marketing spend from offline channels and unsupported ad platforms. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Data Platform > Sources > Import ROI Cost Data in Dreamdata.

  2. Download the google sheet template

  3. Fill it with your offline costs

  4. Give google-sheets@dreamdata.io access to the sheet

  5. Upload the sheet to the ‘Import ROI Cost Data’ field.

  6. Your data warehouse, as well as ROI report, will automatically update to reflect this imported spend.

Step 3: Analyzing your marketing spend

  1. Go to Performance > ROI report.

  2. Selecting the time period of interest to view a cost breakdown.

  3. Analyze spend over time and by marketing channel/source using the provided charts and tables.

  4. You can also download the data to a CSV for further analysis or reporting purposes.


By following these steps, you can leverage Dreamdata to simplify and enhance your marketing spend reporting across your organisation and/or business units, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.

Check out how Sinch integrates and automates its GTM data from 9 business units, in order to report on marketing spend, using Dreamdata