
ROI Uncovered: Digital vs. Offline Field Marketing Impact

Dreamdata's, Sander Lucklow shares insights into the ROI report on Dreamdata, and how it can be used to compare marketing impact across digital and offline channels.

Supplementary Guide:

These steps allow you to replicate the analysis. For context and more examples, we recommend you watch the video above.

Analyze your Return on Investments in Dreamdata

  • Initiate your analysis by accessing Dreamdata's ROI report, which centralizes spend data across all your marketing platforms.

  • This report is perfect for evaluating your overall marketing strategy's effectiveness.

  • You can find this report in Performance > ROI

Compare performance of physical events vs. ad networks

  1. At the top of the report you can see your 'Ad Spend Overview', which shows you your total marketing spend broken down by channels, including Google, LinkedIn, and physical events like Slush and Inbound.

  2. Below the spend overview, find the ‘Metrics for paid activities grouped by source’ table detailing the cost associated with each activity alongside the pipeline each channel influenced.

  3. Dive into comparing how your different marketing channels are performing in terms of influencing your sales pipeline. With this you can allocate budgets more effectively based on ROI.

Which offline events are driving sales opportunities?

  1. Go to Performance > Acquisition report in Dreamdata

  2. Using the ‘Channel’ filter, select Events

  3. Group by ‘Source’

Now this report will provide a comprehensive overview of your marketing acquisition efforts, detailing the cost per acquisition and the overall return on investment for your offline channels.

4. By applying a multi-touch attribution model, analyze which offline events have contributed significantly to generating sales qualified opportunities. 

This insight allows for a deeper understanding of the value these events bring to your sales funnel.

Which offline events are driving deals?

Adjust the stage filter to focus on Newbiz/closed-won stages to see how offline events contribute to deals.

This perspective is invaluable for justifying investments in high-cost physical events.

Why this report is powerful

Dreamdata's ROI and Acquisition report is an essential tool for marketers aiming to quantify the impact of their activities across the sales funnel. It moves beyond single-touch attribution, providing a nuanced view that recognizes the complex, multi-touch nature of B2B marketing and sales processes.

This capability is especially powerful for field marketers, enabling them to demonstrate the broad impact of their efforts, not just as the last touch before opportunity creation but throughout the sales cycle.